1) What is Two Factor Authentication (2FA)?
Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security measure that Changjiang Securities is implementing to enhance the security of online trading. When you login to your online trading account, you will receive 6 digits One-Time Password (OTP) through an SMS to your registered mobile phone number. OTP is to validate and authenticate you, when you access our online trading services. With the introduction of 2FA, you will require the following in order to perform transactions through your online trading account:
a. Your Account Number
b. Your Login Password
c. One-Time PIN (OTP) sent to your mobile number
2) When will 2 FA be implemented?
Securities customers will be required to use their registered mobile numbers to receive 2FA OTP for accessing their online accounts from 27th April 2018 onwards respectively. Please note that your Account Number and Login Password will remain unchanged. If you have not registered your mobile number to receive OTP by the aforesaid date, you cannot continue logging in the trading account. Hence we would appreciate your kind cooperation to register your mobile number to receive OTP as soon as possible so as to avoid disruption to your trading.
3) Who would require to register his/her mobile number to receive OTP?
All Changjiang Securities customers who wish to perform online transactions via Changjiang Securities online will be required to register his/her mobile number to receive OTP.
4) Can I refuse to use 2FA for login to my online trading account?
No. The implementation of 2FA is required by the regulator in Hong Kong. When you login your online trading account, you will receive a 6 digits OTP through an SMS to your registered mobile phone number. You are required to enter the OTP to authenticate your login process.
5) Are there any changes to the current online trading services?
No, there are no changes to the current online trading services. The 2FA implementation will only affect the way you access your account and perform online transactions.
6) Why 2FA for online trading is implemented and what are the benefits?
Changjiang Securities is committed to providing our customers with a high level of online security. 2FA is a stronger form of identity validation and authentication as it relies on:

a. Information you know (that is your Account Number and Login Password)
b. Information Changjiang Securities provides to you (OTP sent to your mobile number)

​Online fraud is becoming increasingly sophisticated and as they evolve, online security itself has to advance to combat these threats. The introduction of 2FA will mean a greater peace of mind for you when you trade online.

7) The system is unable to accept the OTP sent to my mobile number. Why is this so?
For security reasons, the randomly generated 6-digit OTP is only valid for a short period of time. If you enter an expired OTP, you will receive a message requesting you to try again. Please click on the “Resend OTP” button on the OTP page to generate a new OTP and enter this PIN.
If the problem persists, please call our Customer Service hotline at (852) 2823 0388 for assistance.
8) Can I receive an OTP when I am overseas?
If you are overseas and using overseas mobile service providers, the service provider may not support receipt of international SMS. Please be reminded to turn on your mobile phone and activate your roaming service to ensure you can receive the OTP SMS to complete the online transaction when you travel to Mainland China / overseas. Please consult your telecommunication service provider for details.
9) Can I register an overseas mobile phone number for using the service?
Yes and Mobile phone numbers of the following countries would support the service currently:

Country Code



USA, Canada




United Kingdom












South Korea






Hong Kong





10) Why am I unable to successfully register for a one-time password?
The mobile phone number that you use must be the same as the one you have registered with Changjiang Securities. If not, please complete the information changing form or approach our Customer Services to have your record updated and then try again.
11) What should I do if I receive an OTP but am not performing any online transactions?
Please contact the Customer Services Hotline on 2823 0388 immediately.
12) Is there any charge for using OTP service?
It is free of charges at the time being. On the other hand, your mobile network operator may charge you for SMS usage fee. Details please refer to your mobile network operator.
13) If I have activated the "SMS Forwarding" service, will the OTP be forward to other mobile phone number?
SMS messages for OTP cannot be forwarded to any other phone number, even if you have enabled the "SMS Forwarding" service provided by mobile phone service providers in Hong Kong.
14) What client activities taken place in their internet trading account will be sent prompt email notification?
  • System login
  • Password reset
  • Trade execution
  • Fund transfer to third party accounts
  • Changes to client and account-related information (including email address, residential or corresponding address, telephone number and registered bank information)
15) Regarding to the previous question, what client activities can be opt out by client?
Client may choose to opt out from “trade execution” notifications only. For application, client should complete the related form (“Opt Out Trade Notification Form” has been uploaded on “Form Download” area under “Customer Services” in our website. Please return to us by post, email or fax after filling the form). Please pay attention that client should know related risks associated with the Opt-Out Notification, among others, unauthorized trading may not be detected promptly.
16) Are there any precautions for the protection of password to prevent unauthorized access to online trading system?
  • Passwords should be at least 8 characters of alphanumeric mix;
  • Passwords should not be based on guessable information such as your username, telephone number, birthday, or other personal information;
  • Passwords should be kept confidential and not be divulged to anyone, including our staff;
  • Passwords should be changed regularly (90 days) or when there is any suspicion that your online identity has been compromised or impaired; and
  • the same Password should not be used for different websites, applications, or services, particularly when they related to different entities. Also, client should avoid recycling the same password