SP Trader Introduction

SP Trader Introduction

  • Internet directly access market
  • Suitable for both long-term investors and frequent traders
  • Real-time streaming market quotes
  • Real-time 5-levels streaming price depth
  • Real-time profit & loss calculation
  • Real-time quotes request
  • Comprehensive order types such as Conditional Order, Stop Limit Order, Auction Order etc.
  • Real-time confirmations
  • Real-time and comprehensive risk management
  • Comprehensive margin control
  • Wide selection of financial products

Futures Introduction

Changjiang Futures (HK) Limited

Changjiang Futures (HK) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary company of Changjiang Securities International Financial Group Limited.

Changjiang Futures (HK) Limited is licensed for regulated activity Type 2 (dealing in futures contracts) and Type 5 (advising on futures contracts) under the Securities and Futures Ordinance in Hong Kong with licensed Corporation Central Number AYK752.

With solid foundation, the Company provides a wide range of global futures products.

Hong Kong Futures Products, including:
